Y mae rhinwedd gras y nefoedd

1,2,3;  1,2,9;  1,3,4,(5,6,(8));  1,3,4,6,7.
(Achwiliadwy olud Grist)
Y mae rhinwedd gras y nefoedd,
  O drag'wyddol faith barhâd;
Nid oes darfod byth ar effaith,
  Perffaith haeddiant dwyfol waed:
    Ac er golchi,
  Dysglaer fydd yr afon byth.

Heddyw yr agorwyd ffynon,
  Ddysglaer fel y grisial clir:
Y mae'n llanw ac yn llifo
  Tros wastadedd Salem dir:
    Bro a bryniau, &c,
  A gaiff brofi
      rhîn y dŵr.

Minnau_a dd'of i'r ffynnon loyw,
  Darddodd allan ar y bryn,
Ac mi olcha'm henaid euog,
  Ganwaith yn y dyfroedd hyn;
    Myrdd o feiau,
  Dafla'i lawr
      yn ngrym y dw'r.

Iachawdwriaeth râd ei hunan,
  Yw fy mhle o flaen y nef,
A ffarwel am dana'i fythol,
  Oni chaf ei haeddiant ef;
    Iesu ei hunan,
  Oll o flaen y fainc i mi.

Ganddo mae afonydd mawrion
  O ffyddlondeb ac o hêdd;
Er fy mwyn dyoddefodd angeu,
  A gorweddodd yn y bêdd;
    Fel y gallwn
  Fyn'd i mewn i'r ddinas bur.

Ffordd nid oes o waredigaeth,
  Ond agorwyd ar y pren,
Llwybr pechaduriaid euog,
  Mewn i byrth y nefoedd wen;
    Dyma'r gefnffordd,
  Gwna i mi ei cherdded tra fwyf byw.

O na chawn ddifyru nyddiau,
  Llwythog dan dy ddwyfol groes!
A phob meddwl wedi ei glymu,
  Wrth dy berson ddydd a nos;
    Byw bob mynyd,
  Mewn tangnefedd pur a hedd.

Rho i mi gerdded dros rai oriau,
  Yn siriol ronyn bach ymlaen,
Na'd im' ofni gwynt na themhestl,
  Bryn nac afon, dwfr na thân;
    Ond dan ganu,
  Gwna_i mi fyn'd i ben fy nhaith.

O dirwynwch oriau 'fynu,
  A gadewch im' wel'd y dydd
Pan y torir fy nghadwynau,
  Y caf rodio'n berffaith rydd;
    Ysbryd caethwas
  Gwedi troi yn ysbryd hedd.
haeddiant dwyfol :: haeddiant Crist a'i
Dafla'i lawr yn ngrym :: Daflai lawr i rym
nadl :: ple

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Mariners (alaw Italaidd)
Peniel (alaw Gymreig)

  Arnat Iesu boed fy meddwl
  Croesau trymion sydd yn felus
  Dacw'r ffynnon i'w dymuno
  Dyma Geidwad i'r colledig
  Ffordd nid oes o waredigaeth
  Heddyw'r ffynnon a agorwyd
  Iesu nid oes terfyn arnat
  Mae fy meiau fel mynyddau
  Nid oes pleser nid oes tegan
  O na bai cystuddiau f'Arglwydd
  O na chawn ddifyru nyddiau

(The unsearchable wealth of Christ)
The virtue of the grace of heaven is,
  Of an eternal, vast duration;
There is never any dying away of the effect
  Of the perfect merit of divine blood:
    And for washing,
  Shining will be the river forever.

Today is opened a well,
  Shining like the clear crystal:
It is flooding and flowing
  Across the plains of Salem land:
    Vale and hills,
  Shall get to taste
      the virtue of the water.

I shall come to the bright well,
  Which issued out of the hill,
And I will wash my guilty soul,
  A hundred times in these waters;
    A myriad of faults,
  I shall throw down
      in the force of the water.

Free salvation itself,
  Is my plea before heaven,
And farewell about me forever,
  If only I get his merit;
    Jesus himself,
  All before the throne for me.

With him there are great rivers
  Of faithfulness and of peace;
For my sake he suffered death,
  And lay in the grave;
    That I might
  Go inside into the pure city.

There is no way of deliverance,
  But there was opened on the tree,
A path for guilty sinners,
  Into the portals of the bright heavens;
    Here is the highway,
  Make me walk it as long as I live.

O that I might enjoy days,
  Burdened under thy divine cross!
And every thought knotted,
  To thy person day and night;
    To live every minute,
  In pure tranquility and peace.

Grant me to walk for those hours,
  Cheerfully a small grain forwards,
Do not let me fear wind or tempest,
  Hill or river, water or fire;
    But through singing,
  Make me do to my journey's end.

O ye hours, wind up,
  And let me see the day
When my chains are to be broken,
  And I will get to roam perfectly free;
    The spirit of a captive slave
  Having turned into a spirit of peace.
merit of divine :: merit of Christ and his
I shall throw down in the force :: It would throw down to the force

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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